To edit a menu you must list all of the current menus as described before and click the edit button next to the menu you are wanting to edit. Now you will see a list of all the current links in the menu, if there are no links in the menu you will get a message that says: No items for this menu.
A menu item may be added to the menu by clicking on the Add Menu Item button at the bottom of the page.
After you click this you will see a screen which will give you three options.
Title: The text representation of the link that will be placed in the menu. This field is required.
URL: The url of the link you are wanting to add. If pagemaster pages are available they will show up here in a dropdown box to be selected. You can either fill out the url or pick a pagemaster page. When a pagemaster page is chosen then the url field is populating accordingly so it does not need to be filled out. In this case the user submitted url will be ignored.
Display: This option allows you define how the link will act and display on your site.
Internal: The page is internal to the site and the menu will expand at that point where the menu is clicked.
External: The page is external which means it is not located within your site (ie. links to another site) this will not detect your position in the menu.
New Window: This option will cause the link to open in a new browser window.
Now select where on the menu you would like the menu item to go. The very top radiobutton means you want the link to be a top level link (ie. not nested under another link). If any other radiobutton listed next to another menu item is selected that means you want the link you are adding to be nested under the item selected. Finally if this is the first link you are adding to the menu then it can only be a top-level link.
This is the first mode you will see when editing your menu. At any time you can switch to the advanced edit mode (5.3) by clicking the Turn On Advanced Edit button. The basic edit allows you to edit the textual representation of the menu item, change the activity of the menu item, change the order of the menu item, and delete menu items. All of the edit and delete options can be done in mass by checking more than one check box and then clicking the appropriate submit button. Ordering of menu items can only be done one at a time by clicking the arrow in the direction you want it to go. To update the menu item:
To update the text, change the value in the textfield of the link you want to edit and check the box next to the link, now click the Update Menu Items button and you are done.
To toggle the activity of a menu item check the box next to the item you want to change and then click the Activate/Deactivate button.
To change the order of a menu item just click the up or down link next to the item you want to move. Only items that are on the same level (in the same nest) can be order. An item can not be moved to another nest at this point in time. This option is in the plan for future versions.
To delete an item check the box next to it and then click the delete button. A confirmation will then appear making sure you are deleting the links you want. If you click yes that link will be deleted along with ALL of the links nested under it.
The advanced edit mode will also allow you to edit the textual representation of a menu item and delete a menu item. It will also allow you to edit the url for the menu item, and the display method as described earlier. All of the edit and delete options can be done in mass by checking more than one check box and then clicking the appropriate submit button. To update the menu item:
Edit the textfield containing the information you want to change.
Then check the box next to the item and click the Update Menu Items button.
If you select a pagemaster page then you do not need to edit the url field, the menu will take care of that for you.
To update the display select the display you want then check the box next to the item and click the Update Menu Items button.
The settings button will take you to the settings for your menu. These are all the same options seen before when creating a menu. Click save at the bottom to update any changes you may make on this page.
The ability to add module defaults allows you to add a link of a specific module's user side to the menu. After clicking this button, then select the module you want to add a link for and then select the position you would like to see the link in the menu. Finally click Add Menu Item. Your are done.